The school system in Ukraine

The school system in Ukraine is structured in a similar way to many other countries. Here are some key points about the school system in Ukraine:

Compulsory Education: Education in Ukraine is compulsory for children aged 6 to 17 years. This includes primary, secondary, and high school education.

Levels of Education: The school system is divided into several levels: primary education (grades 1-4), basic secondary education (grades 5-9), and senior secondary education (grades 10-12).

Curriculum: The national curriculum in Ukraine covers a wide range of subjects, including Ukrainian language and literature, mathematics, foreign languages (usually English), natural sciences, social sciences, physical education, arts, and technology.

Grading System: The grading system in Ukrainian schools typically uses a scale of 1 to 12, with 12 being the highest score. The passing grade is usually considered to be 4 or higher.

Standardized Testing: At the end of basic secondary education (grade 9), students take external examinations known as the External Independent Evaluation (ZNO). These exams assess students’ knowledge and are used for university admissions.

School Year: The school year in Ukraine usually starts in September and ends in May or June, with breaks for vacations.

School Types: There are different types of schools in Ukraine, including public schools, private schools, specialized schools (with focus on specific subjects or areas), and international schools.

Higher Education: After completing secondary education, students can pursue higher education at universities, colleges, or vocational schools. Ukraine has a number of universities that offer a wide range of academic programs.

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